Over 560+ Titles
Over 560+ Titles
Civilization flourishes with the promotion of culture, but when cultural values decline, civilization breaks down. The great spiritual masters of India, by their superhuman efforts, have time and again revived and developed the philosophical and religious values that India has always stood for. In no other literature in the world have these values been so beautifully and exhaustively dealt with as in the sacred books of India. One of the most significant activities of the Math is its Publication wing. On the occasion of Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna's birth centenary (February 24, 1936), the first book, namely "Sri Ramakrishna Vaksudha" (श्रीरामकृष्ण वाक्सुधा), was published. It is highly gratifying to note that this Publishing House is bringing out, as it does, exclusively spiritual and value-oriented literature and has been able to continue its work uninterruptedly for more than 85 years.
The 87-year-old department of publication of books and magazines, both situated within the Math precinct, as well as the book showrooms in the Math, are serving the above cause through the dissemination of knowledge.
Education is not only about acquiring worldly knowledge;
it should be a man-making education;
it should build character, it should develop personal values and virtues.
Then only one will have the developed personality, all-round.
Books For you:
Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur has been spreading this kind of education for the past 87 years, through our books.
We have more than 560 titles (in Hindi and Marathi together) on the following topics:
Our publications include:
• Youth Empowerment and Self-development Literature
• Values for children in pictorial books
• Personality Development books for Students
• From Self-improvement to Self-realisation
• On Indian Heritage Culture
• On religion and philosophy
• Yoga and Meditation Books for Peace of mind and spiritual development
• Modern Management and Time Management
• Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Literature
• Hymns and value-oriented stories
• Books on Sankirtan and Stotras
• Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana and Mahabharata
Book Store
Book Store
The book store is in the Math campus, near the shrine. Apart from the books published by Ramakrishna Math Nagpur, numerous books published by other centers of Ramakrishna Order are also available.
A Special discount of upto 25% on books is available on selected festival days of our Math.
Store Timings
Morning : 9:00 am to 11:30 am
Evening : 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm